This blog was designed by me, based on the Tufte
theme with an ample dose of inspiration from across the web. All the code is publicaly available on GitHub repository. The icons were sourced from the open-source icon library iconoir (MIT License).
No trackers. No visit counts. No analytics.
No embedded elements from the likes of YouTube, Twitter(X), etc.
As such, some hard choices have been made. All the supporting libraries are loaded locally - No CDNs or web fonts. Javascript is used only sparingly - for math rendering (katex), interactive plots (chart.js) and creative work (three.js and p5.js). All the images are loaded locally as well. These choices do have some effect of page loading times. Though I have tried to make a trade-off between the improving the experience of the reader and the performance, it may not always be "fast". Something tells me that people who visit this site do not really care about it being snappy fast.
Nothing you see on this website was generated either fully or partially using any generative AI model.

ET Book - Primary body typeface
Overpass Extra Light - For the titles
Fira Code Light - For code and art
Colour Palette
The color palatte was designed by me, based on the open source color palette flexoki by Steph Ango, specifically designed for prose. I have also proofed it for colorblindness (protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia) based on David Nichols's tool.

Tools & Technologies
I use highlight.js (BSD 3-Clause License) for code highlighting. The mathematical equations are typeset through KateX (MIT License). The interactive plots are done via chart.js (MIT License). I use three.js (MIT License) and p5.js (LGPL v2.1) for artistic and 3D visualizations.